// Corporate // Travel Tracking

Acting timely and swiftly: Matching incidents and booking data

Only those who know where their employees are can ensure their safety in the best possible way. Therefore, the A3M Travel Tracking System offers the possibility to provide booking data from travel agencies via company-specific interfaces for the Global Monitoring System. This enables you to locate and inform your employees in the event of an emergency.

Your booking data can be automatically imported and clearly geo-referenced in the Global Monitoring System via interfaces to reservation and mid-office systems.

This offers you the following advantages:

  • You can check whether bookings comply with your business travel guidelines, for example when travelling to high-risk countries.

  • Business travellers can be located within seconds in the system, via their flight or hotel details or even geo-referenced via a map.

  • In this way, employees on site and employees who are on their way or whose business trip is still imminent can be informed immediately about potential dangers and risks.

Our travel tracking based on booking data thus enables you to link constantly updated warnings about dangers and risks worldwide with travel data in such a way that you can immediately see whether your employees are potentially affected.

// A3M Information Centre

Global Monitoring
in a nutshell